
"Something I can give to you, but still keep- My Word."


"You can't shake hands with a clenched fist"

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Running inspired

On the drive home from St. George and the "halfy" Katie and I were both really excited and decided together that we wanted to start running. With our schedule and our 3 kids we don't know how we can do it together, but we are going to do it.

So, first thing Monday morning, I went and ran 2 miles and then Katie went and ran 2 miles. We both felt great and continued to feel inspired. I was especially feeling good bc I have battled serious shin splints for a few yrs now. So, ahhhhh, this morning I wake up and my right leg is "killing" me. Right above my achilles and right below my calf in the back. Now I am so scared bc I REALLY want to run so badly. Maybe I just started too fast, too far, I dunno. I have been icing it like crazy, trying to heal quick. Sunee, remember when I said that some ppl just arent runners? I am hoping its not me. UGGG! In the meantime, go Katie!!!


Eardley Family said...


I have injured that spot also. Check out They have a great section on injuries. They have little videos on stretching and strengthening. Don't give up. Walk until you can run. Stretch a lot!!! I'm proud of both of you!!


PS Check out all the sections in that site it is awsome. By the way, do you have good shoes?? I waited to buy good shoes until after I was injured. Bad idea!

Rindi said...

Good job guys!! We are inspired as well. I hope your leg feels better...that stinks. I KNOW all about shin splints...take ibuprofen.

Dan and Fam said...

Thanks guys, and Sunee, yes, I have about 3 week old "new balance" running shoes...I think they are good, they are just standard new balance u know...Do I need better then that???...and Rins, I cant take Ibuprofen, it "KILLS" my eyes!!! I have just been doing plenty of ice. UG

Judi said...

Dan, I feel for you. I always get injured when I try to run...and it usually gives me a headache! I am going to try anyways. 3 miles is my goal (not much, but a goal nonetheless) - Judi