
"Something I can give to you, but still keep- My Word."


"You can't shake hands with a clenched fist"

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Leap Year

Tomorrow is leap year day, or however you say that. What a weird quirky day if you really think about it. If my twins, Samuel and Marlee would have been born 5 days earlier then they were, then leap year would be their first Birthday. Lol, that is funny. Actually, if you really want to get crazy, then, think about this: Samuel, Marlee and lizzie are actually the same age, they just have different birthdays. With the focus on BIRTH. They were all "created" so to speak on the same day back in 2003. We have pictures to prove it too, although, we do not know which one is which at that point. LOL. Poor Lizzie was alive and doing well in her pietry dish and then BAm, they sucked all the H2o out of her and replaced it with Nitrogen and kept her frozen for three years. Lets just say, I'm glad I don't have to pay the clinic the $350 a year child support it took to keep her frozen in that icy tube. I am so grateful for each one of them. I love each one of them dearly and am so grateful for modern medicine and a loving Heavenly Father who hears and answers prayers. My next post will be from Disneyland, celebrating the Twins Birthdays.


Rindi said...

That is crazy to think about! And, I hope you guys have so much fun at Disneyland. I LOVE that place. Go on Pirates for me!! I miss you guys and wish we were meeting you there!

Judi said...

I weird when you really think about it! I hope you guys have a blast in DisneyLand!

Anonymous said...

Your kids are so unqiue and so loved!! they will have fun talking about things like this when they're older and have kids of their own. love you all...